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Pacific War 1942 06 - Air raid on Tokyo


Pacific War 1942 06 - Air raid on Tokyo

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BildtextUSS HORNET, PACIFIC OCEAN 1942 -- Lt. Col. James "Jimmy" Doolittle performs a full-throttle takeoff from the USS Hornet 650 miles from Japan on a secret mission. The Doolittle Raid, U.S. Army Air Force special order #1 of World War II, was a daring one-way mission of 16 B-25 Mitchell medium bombers with 80 aircrew, commanded by Colonel Doolittle, to carry out America’s first offensive attack on Japan. The crews secretly trained for two-weeks and modified the B-25s at Eglin Air Force Base's Wagner Field, Auxiliary Field 1 prior to the mission. (Photo courtesy National Museum of the U.S. Air Force)
SchlagzeileDoolittle Raiders
AutorPhoto courtesy National Museum o
SchlagwörterDoolittle Raiders

Pacific War 1942 06 - Air raid on Tokyo


Pacific War 1942 06 - Air raid on Tokyo

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